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Category: Programming

(Week 1 – Day 2) – ToweRing

(Cross-posted from Today, I made some initial tests with the baking of ambient occlusion (as I want to have something that is mostly devoid of textures). But apparently somewhere between Blender and Panda3D, texture coordinates get mixed up… I was on my laptop today, so I will use my more powerful desktop to experiment with […]

(Week 1 – Day 1) – ToweRing

(Cross-posted from Hi there ! Today is the first day of June, and June is for the first time this year the “NaGaDeMo”, or “National Game Development Month”. That makes it perfect for starting on a 1 month game project. So without further ado, I present to you : ToweRing The game itself is going to […]

Ludum Dare – Once again :)

As was the case 4 months ago, I took part last weekend in a game-making competition called Ludum Dare. As a reminder, the goal is to create a game from scratch in 48 hours, which is quite the challenge. This time, the theme was “It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this!”. I managed to make […]

[Lumen] Initial progress status.

Hi there ! Welcome to the first status update about Lumen, a project I have with a friend. I figured that a good way to keep the motivation intact would be to periodically report here about our progress with the game. Oh yeah, Lumen is a game 🙂 We’re using Panda3D, a free 3D engine, […]

We made a game !

…Okay, okay, technically we only have reached beta status, but still, that’s something ! And before you ask, I’m not starting to speak about myself as “we”, no. With another coding friend (Thomas, a.k.a. Sempaï) and an infographist (Medea), we formed a small team called “GSM Productions” to start making a game for a common […]

Into the unknown – Post-mortem

Well, had some time to think over what I did right and wrong for my first participation in LD, or any game making sprint for that matter.The good : I ended up with something playable. Sure, it lacks a lot of stuff, but considering I had to pretty much give up on more than half […]

Version 0.2 already

Don’t want to read ? Here’s a link : Of course, after having slept a bit, the solution to all my light-related problems appeared to me, clear and simple… So I couldn’t resist and implemented it, look how beautiful it is ! (Ahem, getting a bit ahead of myself…) Anyway, enjoy “Into the unknown v.0.2“. […]

And that’s a wrap !

Thought I was never going to finish in time, but here I am, my ‘game’ uploaded before the deadline… It looks somehow like this : But honestly, when it moves it’s much nicer 🙂 So if you’re feeling brave, install python and pygame, and enjoy ! Many things I planned to put in there were […]

Hum, not much time left…

…and my lights still aren’t properly working… *sigh* That being said, I’m now designing levels, got 17 down, still need around 23, but describing them all by hand is quite time consuming. And with all that, there’s still no music, no sound, no story, … I hope to have at least a basic “explore the […]

And, ladies and gentlemen, let there be light !

Well, ok, it’s not impressive as of yet, but my proof-of-concept jusing a bitmask works like a charm (just tested it in five minutes…). So I’m confident I’ll have the kind of lights I want tomorrow… This is looking very good this far… And here’s a screenshot (also, some kind of background :D) Now, I […]