Your shoes and the world to come...

Month: March, 2011

[Lumen] Initial progress status.

Hi there ! Welcome to the first status update about Lumen, a project I have with a friend. I figured that a good way to keep the motivation intact would be to periodically report here about our progress with the game. Oh yeah, Lumen is a game 🙂 We’re using Panda3D, a free 3D engine, […]

Unkown Lands Episode 1: Stranger in a strange land

[Everyone and their grandmother do this, so I thought “why not me ?”. Don’t hold your breath for regular updates though, you know who I am… But I’ll do my best…] What would you do if you woke up at the bottom of a dune behind which the sun the sun would be slowly rising […]

From my window

Just a quick post, not to turn this blog into a Tumblr, but just to show you the view from my window, to compliment yesterday’s offering.For tomorrow, I have planned to take some pictures of the campus on my way to work, and I think I’m going to go to the center of the city […]

A new adventure : Stuttgart !

So, that’s it, I’m now in Stuttgart for a 3-months internship in the University of Stuttgart. And, I must say as I’m typing from my very cool apartment, so far so good. The trip (by train) was really cool, got a bit of time to kill in Cologne between my two trains, and I was […]

We made a game !

…Okay, okay, technically we only have reached beta status, but still, that’s something ! And before you ask, I’m not starting to speak about myself as “we”, no. With another coding friend (Thomas, a.k.a. Sempaï) and an infographist (Medea), we formed a small team called “GSM Productions” to start making a game for a common […]