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Category: 12 Days

2012 in game dev
: : GSM Productions : :
Ahead of us

Happy 2013 everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the festivities of yesterday, and are ready to dive into the new year full of energy and renewed motivation. That is certainly the case for me, and so I would like to close my “2012 in game dev” series of posts with one that has an eye set […]

2012 in game dev
: : Dark Acre Jack : :
Razor sharp

If one indie game developer is deserving of the term ‘badass’, it is the one to which this post is dedicated. This is a person that has influenced me in many ways, both consciously and unconsciously. This fine gentleman is Christopher ‘Jack’ Nilssen, running the one-man outfit known as the ‘Dark Acre’. Earlier this year, […]

2012 in game dev
: : Double Fine Productions : :
From adventure to amnesia

While we are still on the subject of Kickstarters, surely you remember the one that started this year’s ‘craze’? You know, the one wanting to go back to a so-called dead genre of games: adventure games. The ones that started, or at least publicised, the trend of turning to the crowd to fund video game […]

2012 in game dev
: : Indie Game: The Movie : :
Bigger than life

As many people these past months, I have contributed to a few Kickstarter campaigns. Amongst them was the one looking to fund a film focusing on indie game developers. There were a couple of those: Minecraft: The story of Mojang, Us and the game industry, and the only one I backed because of missing the […]

2012 in game dev
: : Sophie Houlden : :
Gamedev extraordinaire

Oh boy… With the (seemingly endless) Christmas celebrations, I haven’t had the time to keep up with my posting schedule. So, please, pretend like it is still the 25th, and allow me to wish you a very merry Christmas. And because this was a special day, this posts is dedicated to a special person. Special […]

2012 in game dev
: : Jasper Byrne : :
Lone warrior

A handful of indies make up what to me feels like the most important group in all the ‘community’. These are people who are incredibly talented and good at what they do, but who I feel are still people I can relate to. They are the ones I hope to one day meet, and have […]

2012 in game dev
: : Jonathan Blow : :
Food for thought

Amongst all the game developers I am following, some inspire me by their sheer dedication to their craft. Other by their quirky ways of exploring themes through game mechanics. And some other by being great people. But there are some that go a step above and tend to elevate the way we think about games. […]

2012 in game dev
: : thatgamecompany : :
The road to awe

FEZ was not the only video game experienced that, in 2012, rekindled my passion for what videogames could and should do. Another one was thatgamecompany’s third game, Journey. Amidst a never-ending stream of FPS or action games, Jounrey felt like a breath of fresh air. Like FEZ, its focus was shifted far away from conflict […]

2012 in game dev
: : Phil Fish : :
FEZ and the rabbit hole

The first half of this year has, for me, been profoundly marked by FEZ and its creator, Phil Fish. Of course, it was the release of a widely anticipated and iconic indie game. True, there were repeated ‘controversies’ spawned by remarks of the outspoken game designer. But those are not the reason Phil Fish and […]

2012 in game dev
: : Breakdance McFunkypants : :
Positivity overload

While I have fell through with the Japan-related posts (though I have some of them almost ready, so you might see them in the end), I need to cope with a new reality : the year is about to end. And while this is not in itself a cause for worry, it does mean that […]