Your shoes and the world to come...

2012 in game dev
: : Double Fine Productions : :
From adventure to amnesia

While we are still on the subject of Kickstarters, surely you remember the one that started this year’s ‘craze’? You know, the one wanting to go back to a so-called dead genre of games: adventure games. The ones that started, or at least publicised, the trend of turning to the crowd to fund video game […]

2012 in game dev
: : Indie Game: The Movie : :
Bigger than life

As many people these past months, I have contributed to a few Kickstarter campaigns. Amongst them was the one looking to fund a film focusing on indie game developers. There were a couple of those: Minecraft: The story of Mojang, Us and the game industry, and the only one I backed because of missing the […]